We have been extremely busy getting the word out there for struggling readers: “reading is the bedrock of all learning and is for all” #right to read
Between schools, libraries and Tralee/ Navan/ Clare Ed Centres’ webinar series we are reaching hundreds of teachers and parents anxious and eager to learn!
From a school in Limerick city
Thanks Padraig!
Thanks so much to Mary for giving us so much of her time. It was so helpful to us and we feel very confident running the programme now. These cards will be brilliant.
I’m sure we will be in touch again soon!
From parents
To whom it concerns
I attended the information session in Celbridge library on Thursday 13th February, which I found to be very informative.
Can I please request the slides?
Kind Regards
Thank you so much for a very informative session in Celbridge Library last night. Please could I request a copy of the slides.
Thank you
I was wondering if I would be able to get the slides from last nights presentation.
I found the presentation and information Mary gave so enlightening and thank you for answering my queries.
I have 2 boys diagnosed with dyslexia…..
Many thanks
From the library
Hi Padraig
We were delighted to have you, there was a great attendance and response to it. No worries re the Q & A duration, great to see people so engaged!
Kind rgds
Celbridge Library
From Tralee ESC