Dcodedyslexia Training Events and Collaborations, Sep- Dec Term 2024.
We are tireless in our efforts to get the word out there to raise awareness of dyslexia and the inequality in-built in our education systems. There are solutions to the problems struggling readers have when learning to read and write. #righttoread
This term we offered pro-bono online training to schools and over forty , who had invested in Dcode/ Ncode, attended, from all corners of the country.
Furthermore, working in conjunction with Pat from our main distributor, Demac Education, we hosted four in-school visits, where at each session neighbouring schools were invited to attend. It is great to meet teachers at their place of work, if only we had the hours in the day and the energy to make every visit a school visit. Thanks to all for the welcome and hospitality.
Work with our Education Centres and Libraries, we delivered: a webinar with Donegal ESCI in October; a five night in-person training course, ‘How to teach Struggling Readers and Dyslexics to read’, with Athlone ESCI; a lecture to parents/ tutor at Blanchardstown Library in Fingal for the @BrightSideofDyslexia .
Finally, we began collaborating with over ten primary schools, of various sizes and mixed genders, to gather data on the Dcode/ Ncode programme and we hosted online meetings with all. One of these is in NI and we were delighted to welcome them to the scheme; reading and writing problems, as we know, don’t recognise borders.
#structuredliteracy #scienceofreading #undsg4 #dcodedyslexia #ncode