Raising Awareness about Dyslexia

I recently delivered a talk on Structured Literacy and Dyslexia through the Tralee Education Centre. It was well attended and the feedback provided, anonymously, by the Centre was very gratifying. Over 70% of the 165 attendees that submitted a review thought that the talk was excellent. Below I share some of the comments:

Q2 What were your key learning points from this webinar?

“I thoroughly enjoyed this webinar with Mary Moran and would be interested in attending
further webinars.”

“Syllables , excellent points on this.”

“It takes more than exposing children to books to help them read.”

“That it is very important to teach phonics using a scope and sequence and that a
systematic approach is needed.”

“Importance of scope and sequence of structured literacy programme; Importance of sentence visualisation and fluency; importance of teaching vocab to bridge the gap between
reading words and comprehension.”

“Structured Literacy Made Simple! Clear literacy interventions for struggling readers.”

“Great to hear about Mary’s strategies – e.g. the lighter colour for the soft c and g , the way Mary described the 3 students at the beginning and the way Mary described the importance of getting students to visualize even simple sentences.”

Q5 Any additional comments relating to the webinar?

“Thank you for wonderful webinar – so relevant and practical.”

“Would love a series of webinars on this topic, it is big!”

“Super presentation, excellent structure and clarity of presentation.”

“Would love to see a scope and sequence for teaching reading using the Science of Reading Approach, would love to see more of the resources/strategies Mary uses especially with children who struggle with phonics. Would be great to see recordings of lessons using the approach.”

“Mary is a fountain of knowledge and any more webinars from her would be greatly appreciated .”

“Gave me a great insight in to how the child with Dyslexia decodes language and words.”

“Wow , thanks for answering so many questions, I could have listened all night to your wonderful advice.”

“This has been such an informative webinar, simply brilliant.”

Introducing DCode

A simple and effective reading programme for parents and teachers of struggling students.

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We developed the DCode system to help parents, teachers, and struggling readers. We also provide free to access resources that explain details relating to struggling readers, feel free to take a look!
